厦门 [切换城市] 厦门招聘厦门金融/证券/期货/投资招聘厦门投资/理财顾问招聘


汇丰晋信基金管理有限公司 HSBC Jintrust Fund Management Co.,Ltd

  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:合资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:金融/投资/证券


  • 发布日期:2017-07-22
  • 工作地点:上海-浦东新区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语 熟练
  • 职位月薪:1-1.5万/月
  • 职位类别:投资/理财顾问  


- 完成上级下达的基金销售任务,包括新基金发行、定投持续营销、年度基金保有量或者管理费收入等;
- 通过日常服务提高渠道对公司的认可,提升渠道满意度,包括中外资银行总行、深圳市区及福建厦门等省市分支行;
- 与渠道高层、业务部门建立全面、密切的合作关系,及时满足一线客户经理对基金专业方面的需求;
- 提升公司品牌在区域市场的知名度和美誉度;
- 配合市场部在当地媒体的宣传工作,日常保持与地方媒体的沟通,在当地媒体做适当的公司品牌和产品的曝光;
- 新渠道开拓。
- 本科以上学历,金融相关专业;具有证券/基金从业资格、金融理财师资格者优先;
- 具备丰富的金融理财专业知识,熟悉基金等理财产品的目标客户、销售渠道和工作流程;
- 金融行业三年以上金融业市场营销经验,有个人理财产品销售或财富管理的背景更佳;
- 具备良好的沟通技巧及培训、演讲技能,形象专业、稳重;
- 熟练掌握各种办公软件,可使用英语为工作语言;
- 有良好的人际交往能力和服务意识;注重团队合作;
- 工作积极主动,有较强的执行力和自我激励,能够承受压力并经常出差(需常驻深圳,不定期出差至上海总部及福建地区)。

职能类别: 投资/理财顾问

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Put your name amongst the best professionals around the world

HSBC Jintrust Fund Management Co., Ltd is a joint venture based on a strong alliance between HSBC Global Asset management and Shanxi Trust Corporation Ltd (Jintrust).

HSBC Global Asset Management Group is one of the biggest asset management companies in the world, with asset under management for 428.8 billion US dollars (as of December 2012). As a premier emerging market asset management company, HSBC global asset management has partnered with different enterprises, institutions and financial brokers in variable sizes to build up a huge network among 35 countries and regions worldwide.

Shanxi Trust Corporation Ltd. was founded in 1985 by Shanxi provincial government. It is the only trust company and also the biggest non bank financial institution in Shanxi province, whose business scope covers fiduciary service, government and corporate bonds underwriting and asset management.

Built on the achievements, strength, expertise and commitment, HSBC Jintrust is taking advantage of its local wisdom and global vision to provide clients with active investment services and quantitative investment products (equity, fixed income, cash management and the alternatives).We prioritize our clients’ needs, and focus on managing the investment strategies to seek for long-term investment value.

If you believe that your name belongs amongst the best professionals at HSBC Jin Trust, please contact us immediately at hr@hsbcjt.cn.


  • Email:hr@hsbcjt.cn
  • 公司地址:地址:span世纪大道8号上海国金中心汇丰银行大楼17楼