西安 [切换城市] 西安招聘西安工程/机械/能源招聘西安产品工艺/制程工程师招聘

工装工程师 (职位编号:02)


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:航天/航空


  • 发布日期:2021-01-14
  • 工作地点:常州-新北区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语熟练
  • 职位月薪:15-20万/年
  • 职位类别:产品工艺/制程工程师  产品规划工程师


Position: Tooling Engineer

Education: Bachelor degree

Age: Under 35

Major: related in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation

Experience: 3-5 years

Language: English CET level 4 or above


1. Familiar with Auto CAD engineering software, able to read and edit related editing drawings;

2. Able to use CATIA to build digital models and edit solid models;

Job Responsibilities:

1. Responsible for the analysis and troubleshooting of production site tooling, technical support for the repair and preparation of tooling rework and repair WI;

2 Responsible for handling general technical issues, and preparing analysis reports, reporting major technical issues, and coordinating and handling;

3. Responsible for the daily management of tooling, compile weekly and monthly reports of tooling management, establish a tooling maintenance technical system, and continuously improve the existing tooling to make it better serve production.

4. Participate in receiving, editing, and reviewing project product technical documents, and coordinate the work of foreign parties or partners

5. Responsible for statistical verification of key indicators of tooling management, formulate improvement measures, participate in tooling management, and be responsible for technical training such as identification, acceptance, and management process of tooling management participants.

6. Responsible for the coordination and management of the inspection of the outsourced workers into the factory



公司坚持面向世界科技前沿,面对国家重大项目需求,面向区域经济转型需求,致力于成为突破碳纤维复材部件关键核心技术、市场认可度高的碳纤维复材科技跨国创新企业。公司于2018年5月全资收购了德国COTESA GmbH公司(空客波音复材供应商)和德国EC公司(欧美超豪华复材部件供应商)。公司核心业务是航空级碳纤维复合材料结构件,业务覆盖航空航天、轨道交通、新能源汽车等复合材料结构件配套。


简称,科泰思(中国),是由常州启赋安泰复合材料科技有限公司完成对德国COTESA GmbH公司股权收购后,以德国COTESA GmbH为投资主体,投资建设的德国COTESA全资子公司,公司在常州国家高新区,项目总投资约1亿美元,建成投产后预计年产200吨碳纤维复合材料制件。2019年12月一期项目正式投产,科泰思(中国)各项航空认证按计划实施取证,作为交付主体,公司积极参与空客中国供应链体系垂直整合和国产大飞机工程,产品主要为全球民用航空客户提供高端碳纤维复合材料部件,同时也具备向亚太客户提供工业级碳纤维复合材料定制化部件的能力。



“材通穹宇 料定天下”-欢迎各界优秀人才加入,共创美好未来!

Advanced Technik CompositeCorp.(abbreviation:ATCC),establishedin2017,the shareholders include Advanced Technology & Materials Co.,Ltd (AT&M) ,National Advanced Manufacturing Fund,Z-Park Fund, CISRI,Changzhou National Hi-Tech District, etc., with a registered capital of one billion RMB. In May 2018 , ATCC fully acquired the German company COTESA GmbH(Airbus & Boeing composite material supplier) and the German company EC (European and American super luxury car composite material supplier). The first phase of COTESA China is under construction in Changzhou, focusing on aerospace composite parts for COMAC and Airbus. The core business of ATCC is aerospace carbon composite material components . Our business covers with R&D , design and production in aerospace,railway,new energy vehicles,etc.


  • 公司地址:地址:span辽河路901号C座201