武汉 [切换城市] 武汉招聘武汉计算机软件招聘武汉软件工程师招聘

System Architect系统架构师


  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:多元化业务集团公司


  • 发布日期:2020-10-21
  • 工作地点:武汉-洪山区
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:17-25万/年
  • 职位类别:系统架构设计师  软件工程师


1.Team up with internal and external including designer, manufacturer, marketing/Product marketing manager, sales and customers to define a solid and value design for variety of electronic/mechanical/software/solutions products;
2. Using proper tools to create or review technical designs and solutions;
3. Conduct System Design & Review which includes detail in engineering, manufacturing with internal and internal teams;
4.Support the offering and solution application into customer deployment environment and physical application. Provide professional consult support to customers to reflect value;
5. Travel frequently (>15%) for design, manufacturing or engineering builds, as well as sales and customer support;
6. Other job assigned.
1. BS in Electrical/Electronics/Software/Computer;
2. Experienced in art of date manufacturing techniques using commercially available solutions and cost structure
3.Experience in advanced and streaming software/APP related design experience(for SW PAE only, others as a plus)
4. Experienced in full design and development cycle on industrial and consumer electronics
5. Experienced in design related tools and software
6.Good oral and written communications skills
7.Good interpersonal skills
8.Ability to work well in a fast-paced work environment and work under pressure
9.Strong willingness to drive greatness

10.Strong project management skills and experience
11.Strong people management skills are a plus
12.Well business acumen and customer facing skills and experience.





    经历了新冠疫情的考验,保障医疗机构和公卫设施安全高效、提升其智能化管理水平的重要性不言而喻。霍盛精确、有效的通风控制系统可以更好地控制院内空气途径感染,降低交叉感染风险;医院设备设施智慧互连系统可以显著提高运转效率;大人流快速精准体温监测、 人流指示智能导引、广播、防火、感温等设备,为学校、养老院、活动中心等易感人群较多的场所提升安全防护、提高舒适性。

    针对新兴市场日益崛起的电商,新零售仓储物流自动化升级改造需求, 霍盛集成了霍尼韦尔在业内成熟领先的AIDC技术及解决方案,为客户提供定制化需求更为集中,高性价比,性能稳定的自动化解决方案,以及为公共事业及零售餐饮等行业提供软硬一体的一站式支付收银及管理解决方案。



  • 公司地址:地址:span武汉市洪山区高新大道与光谷六路交汇处光谷之星
  • 电话:15902790630