天津 [切换城市] 天津招聘


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:奢侈品/收藏品/工艺品/珠宝


HSCC在过去的10年中,为中国消费者带来了富有创意的诸多品牌。目前,HSCC 以提供服装必备要素为基础,正在向多品类配饰品牌转型, 以培养与各个年龄段***的情感联系。我们在中国各地已开设了近20家零售店铺。
HSCC Group是全球品牌之家的一部分,她们拥有坚定的乐观态度,并致力于创新和全面包容的品牌形象。

作为一个富有活力的时尚零售集团,HSCC GROUP正在中国快速发展中,我们致力于引进极富创意和独特的品牌来到中国,并将其介绍给广大具有审美眼光的中国顾客。5年前,我们成功地将在法国著名的轻奢品牌Les Nereides介绍给我们尊贵的顾客,现在我们将介绍更时尚更富有创意的品牌给中国顾客。HSCC GROUP期待有能力、有活力、有创造力的你加入我们,成为我们中的一员!
HSCC GROUP running fashion business from last 30 years have introduced creative brand to Chinese consumer like Les Nereides & Bill Skinner, opened 25 Retail stores and have launch a unique multi-brand store *********** in China, multi-layer business model that only proves to success, a multi-channel approach that caters specifically to well-defined groups of fashion lovers in targeted regions with distinct multi-brand stores. Augmenting this diverse mix are respected brands from around the world.
HSCC GROUP also introduced to the work “******************” , Where We truly believe that buying something is more than just the sum of its products - it's an experience that promises to surprise, amaze and amuse oneself once received. For us, shopping isn’t merely about looking at the price tag; it’s something that can offer real value to our customers. Our inspiration lies in our love for fashion, for nature and the world around us. Keeping international sensibilities, cultures, fashion and mood, our products are a culmination of our creative expression. SAHI will always try to achieve mastery in its creations.
This is what makes SAHI so special!

Those who work at HSCC the team behind the company is energetic, open-minded and appreciates how fashion can form part of a modern lifestyle. Their dynamism and focus have propelled the brands to grow into a major brands, in China and in new markets beyond.
To cope with the business expansion of HSCC, high calibre candidates are invited to fill the following position


  • Email:job@hsccgroup.cn
  • 公司地址:地址:span中山西路930号1004室


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
电商运营专员E-commerce operation 上海-长宁区 2021-01-12 1人
资深导购/饰品销售Sales 上海-徐汇区 2021-01-11 2人
HR Generalist 上海-长宁区 2021-01-07 1人
SALES高级导购/六险一金 上海-徐汇区 2021-01-03 2人
人事专员/主管HR Specialist/Supervisor 上海-长宁区 2021-01-02 1人
Social Media Executive新媒体运营 上海-长宁区 2020-12-27 1人
SALES轻奢导购THKS 上海-静安区 2020-12-20 1人
Sales资深导购六险一金 上海-静安区 2020-12-11 1人
3D Products Designer3D产品设计师 上海-长宁区 2020-12-07 2人
3D Products Designer3D产品设计师 上海-长宁区 2020-12-01 2人
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