深圳 [切换城市] 深圳招聘深圳工程/机械/能源招聘深圳石油天然气技术人员招聘

质量管理经理 Quality Manager


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:新能源


  • 发布日期:2021-01-08
  • 工作地点:潮州
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:10年以上经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:20-40万/年
  • 职位类别:石油天然气技术人员


职位Job Title: 质量管理经理 Quality Manager

编号JD No.:

部门Department: 工程技术部 Engineering & Technical Department

岗位职责(Roles and Accountabilities

l 负责公司质量内控文件的编制。

Responsible for quality control documents compiling.

l 负责公司的质量控制。

Responsible for quality controlling in company.

l 认真执行公司各项规章制度和工作程序。

Follow HYLNG’s policy and procedure.

l 向工程技术部总经理汇报。

Report to Engineering & Technical Department Manager.

主要工作(Principal Activities

l 个人年度KPI设定,半年回顾,年度绩效总结。

Personal annual KPI setting up, half-year review, annual summary.

l 编制个人年度工作计划及预算。

Prepare the annual work plan and budget.

l 百分之百贯彻执行公司关于LNG工程建设及运营对QA/QC的标准,规定要求。

Consciously implement the QA/QC standard of LNG engineering construction and operations in HYLNG.

l 建立并保持工程技术部质量管理体系文件。

Assist the leader to establish and maintain Engineering & Technical Department quality management system documents.

l 按照HYLNG对QA/QC的要求和具体规定,而行使质量管理工作。

According to the HYLNG QA/QC and specific provisions, and perform the quality management work.

l 协助各级领导做好工程和运营维修的质量工作。

Assist the lead to do quality work in the process of project、operation & maintenance.

l 协调所涉及的单位部门做好项目、运营和维修质量管理工作。

Coordinate with related department to do project、operation & maintenance quality management work.

l 参与项目、营运和维修项目的材料验收、过程质量监控、完工验收,对工程资料文件进行审查。

Participation in acceptance of materials , quality control, completion acceptance, checking the completion document of project、operation & maintenance.

l 督促承包商执行工程质量的检查制度。

Urge the contractor to perform the quality inspection system.

l 检查现场的工作质量,做好检查记录,针对检查出的问题采取相应的整改措施并负责监督落实。

Checking the quality of the site works, and doing an inspection records, Taking

corresponding measures for the problems and responsible for monitoring the


l 参与质量事故的调查、分析和处理,按有关规定及时上报事故原因分析和处理意见,并形成完整记录。

Participation in investigation, analysis and processing of quality accident, report the cause of the accident and treatment in time, formed a complete record.

l 收集和整理部门内员工的合理化建议报部门负责人。

Collecting rationalization proposal and submitting to department head.

l 组织和参与相关的质量培训。

Participate in and organize quality training.

l 按照要求提交JOC。

Submit JOC as required.

l 向工程技术部总经理提交工作日报。

Report the daily work to Engineering & Technical Department Manager

安全要求(Safety Requirements

l 自觉遵守公司的安全生产方针/目标;

Consciously abide by the safety operation policies/goals in HYLNG;

l 严格遵守公司的安全生产程序和制度;

Strictly abide by the safety operation procedures and regulations in HYLNG;

l 自觉参与公司的安全文化建设;

Consciously participate in safety culture development companywide;

l 爱岗敬业,自觉参加公司的安全培训和教育,努力掌握和提高岗位技能和安全生产水平;

Be passionate and dedicated to work, consciously participate in company safety trainings and instructions, endeavor to master and improve professional skills and safety operation level;

l 发现风险或隐患,及时汇报;

Report immediately once the potential safety risks are identified;

l 参与公司的应急演练或制度建设;

Participate in company emergency response drills and regulation development;

l 参与或配合事故调查,不瞒/骗/迟报;

Participate in or support the incident investigation and ensure the facticity, accuracy and timeliness;

l 为公司的安全生产,提供合理建议;

Provide constructive proposals for company safety operation;

能力与经验(Competencies and Experience

l 熟悉和掌握项目、营运和维修质量工作的要求。

Familiar the requirement of quality of project、operation & maintenance.

l 了解物资验收的相关规范和要求。

Familiar material acceptance specifications and requirements

l 认识和理解土建、焊接、防腐的相关标准和规范。

Understanding the specifications of civil, welding and anti-corrosive.

l 有良好的社交和沟通能力。

Good communication skills.

l 了解基本的项目管理知识。

Understanding basic project management knowledge.

l 高度的责任心和工作主动性。

A very high level of personal commitment and initiative work attitude.

l 具备一定的书面英语和英语口语能力。

Must have some written English and spoken English.

l 熟练使用办公软件。

Can use office software skillfully.

教育背景 (Educational Background)

l 大学本科及以上学历,理工科专业。

University degree in science and technique or equivalent.

l 至少10年工作经验,至少5年质量管理经验。

At least 10 (ten) years relevant experience with at least 5 years in QA/QC managerial role.




   公司现阶段正开展液化天然气接收站项目及相关产业的开发建设及经营。华瀛天然气接收站项目选址在潮州市饶平县大埕镇大埕湾西南端,项目工程建设总投资120亿元人民币,包括一座LNG码头,2个15万吨级 LNG船泊位,兼靠10万吨 LNG船, 一个60000立方的LNG泊位,一座工作船码头及相应的配套设施,两条15万吨级LNG运输船,为天然气的海上运输提供安全、及时、高效和低成本的服务。项目建成后主要用于接收输配国外进口LNG气源,通过高压天然气外输管道与潮州市天然气高压管网连通,将天然气输送到用户,并通过 广东“全省一张网”的天然气输配系统向粤东、广东省及周边地区供应天然气,总建设规模600万吨/年。


  • 公司地址:地址:span广东省饶平县所城镇龙湾村潮州华瀛液化天然气接收站