深圳 [切换城市] 深圳招聘深圳写作/出版/印刷招聘深圳校对/录入招聘

印刷分析师 Graphic Arts Analyst


  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:贸易/进出口


  • 发布日期:2020-09-16
  • 工作地点:深圳-罗湖区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语良好
  • 职位月薪:6-8千/月
  • 职位类别:校对/录入  数码直印/菲林输出



  • 根据公司质量要求,维护公司的品质标准

Oversee the vendor Pre-production and Production quality to ensure all products adhere to the established manufacturing standards on or before production.

  • 批核供应商递交的产前样办或生产大货样办,确保不延误出货

Review and approve Pre-production samples and Production samples submitted by vendors and ensure on-time delivery

  • 检查样板的材料,印刷,印后,配件和包装等质量问题

Review and ensure the quality of samples, such as materials, Pre-production, Production, components and packaging.

  • 跟供应商沟通关于样板批核的状态,解答供应商提出的问题并指导其改善

Communicate with vendors for the update of approval status, and answer their questions if any.

  • 同国外不同业务部门跟进设计文件,产品规格和样板的质量问题

Act as the liaison between overseas Business Units and vendors, to follow up design related documentation, production specification and other quality issues.

  • 向主管汇报日常样板批核情况,确保不影响货期

Report samples approval status to supervisor regularly, to ensure on-time production and delivery.

  • 部门经理或主管分配的其他工作任务

Other duties as assigned by Department Head or supervisors.


  1. 本科以上学历,印刷,包装,平面设计相关专业优先;
  2. 有3年以上相关行业工作经验,有印刷包装行业基本知识,
  3. 熟悉材料,胶印和印后加工工艺;有基本的印刷质量缺陷的判断能力;
  4. 工作细心,注重细节,强烈的学习意愿;
  5. 良好的团队合作精神,工作积极主动,能承担工作压力;
  6. 有英文读写能力,英语CET-4以上。


Founded in 1906, American Greetings is the world's largest creator, manufacturer and distributor of social expression products. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, the United States of America, American Greetings employs approximately 18,000 full-time equivalent associates around the world and is home to one of the world's largest creative studios. Our major domestic greeting card brands are Carlton Cards, American Greetings and Gibson. American Greetings services approximately 70,000 retail stores in the United States and 125,000 worldwide. American Greetings also manufactures and sells greeting cards, gift-wrap, party goods, gift bag, stationery and giftware throughout the world, primarily in Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.

Now we are seeking talent to join us.

American Greetings成立于1906年,总部设在美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰,在全球约有18000名员工,American Greetings的业务遍及全球各地,尤其在加拿大、英国、墨西哥、澳大利亚和新西兰生产销售贺卡、包装纸、聚会用品、蜡烛、气球、文具、礼品和周边产品。

American Greetings,是全球***的礼品公司之一。现诚邀业界精英加入我深圳分公司。

If you want know more about American Greetings, please visit our websites and send you resume to us, with the position you apply for and your expected salary.


  • 公司地址:地址:span深南东路4003号世界金融中心A座28楼F,G单元