上海 [切换城市] 上海招聘上海医院/医疗/护理招聘上海麻醉医生招聘



  • 公司规模:150-500人
  • 公司性质:合资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:医疗/护理/卫生


  • 发布日期:2019-11-20
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:18-36万/年
  • 职位类别:麻醉医生


  1. 在科主任领导及上级医师指导下,完成手术病人的麻醉工作。手术病人的麻醉为主麻负责制,在遇到困难时请示总巡回医生或科主任。
  2. 参与临床教学工作。
  3. 术前一日对患者进行术前访视,熟悉手术患者的病历内容及各项检查见过,详细检查患者,与患者交流了解思想情况,确定麻醉方式。开具术前医嘱。重大手术与术者一起参加术前讨论,共同制定麻醉方案。
  4. 麻醉前认真检查麻醉药品、器械是否完备,严格执行技术操作规程和查对制度,保证安全。
  5. 麻醉期间坚守岗位,密切观察,认真记录。如有异常情况,及时与术者联系共同研究妥善处理。
  6. 完成上级要求的其他任务。


1. 具有大学以上学历,完成住院医师规培的住院医师。
2. 麻醉专业,具有主治医师或以上资格证书,执业医师资格证书,能变更注册。
3. 具有高度责任心、良好的职业道德,严谨的工作态度,具有良好的沟通能力和服务意识,具有团队协作精神,有责任心和亲和力。
4. 全面掌握麻醉用药物、抢救药物作用机理以及急救技能,如心肺复苏、气管插管,熟练应用心电监护、呼吸机等设备,熟练掌握各类麻醉操作(能独立进行全麻、局部阻滞;熟练硬膜外,蛛网膜下腔穿刺等技术),能正确处理术中各种危急情况,能指导术后镇痛。
5. 有二甲医院五年以上工作经验者,或在三甲医院工作三年以上,有心血管麻醉进修经历者优。



德达医疗 创新的医疗服务机构
        德达医疗是由斯道资本投资成立的一家立足于创新的医疗服务机构, 是哥伦比亚心脏中心在中国的临床合作伙伴。秉承“以患者为中心”的服务理念,德达医疗倡导在中国建立以心血管为特色的医院及诊所网络为一体的综合医疗服务体系。我们致力于通过结合中外卓越的医疗理念和技术,建立个性化医疗服务体系、先进的疾病管理及国际标准的临床规范、培养高专业素养的医师团队、提供高品质医疗服务及世界一流的综合设施,为中国患者创造全新的医疗服务体验,并助力提升中国的医疗服务水平。目前,德达医疗在中国的服务机构包括上海德达医院和上海德达德西门诊部。德达医疗计划逐步建立以心血管疾病为重点的诊所网络,使其一体化综合医疗服务平台造福华东乃至全国的心血管疾病患者。
DeltaHealth is an innovative healthcare provider primarily invested by Eight Roads and its affiliate Eight Roads Ventures China. As of now, it is also the first and the only medical institution with a consultation and advisory relationship with Columbia HeartSource in China. DeltaHealth is committed to establishing an integrated network of hospitals and clinics in China that specializes in cardiovascular care and is patient centered. We aim to bring to our patients a set of innovative and personalized medical services. To achieve this, we are building on some of the best medical management practices in the west, while uniting the world’s top physicians and state-of-art medical technology under one roof. In addition to meeting the need for diverse, high-quality healthcare services, we also strive to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and deliver a better experience for patients. We see this as our contribution to the development of the medical system in China.

DeltaHealth Hospital·Shanghai is a foreign-invested general hospital designed and constructed in accordance with Joint Commission International (JCI) and Chinese standards. It is DeltaHealth’s first hospital in Shanghai. DeltaHealth Hospital Shanghai and its Heart & Vascular Center are located in the Xujing area, 7 km to the west of Shanghai’s Hongqiao transport hub. The total construction area for the project is 50,000 m , with the set-up of 200 beds during the first phase.
DeltaHealth Hospital·Shanghai and its Heart & Vascular Center boast a 20 bedded cardiac care units (CCU), 18 bedded intensive care unit(ICU), 7 operating rooms, 2 cardiac catheterization laboratories, 2 hybrid operating rooms, as well as state-of-the-art diagnostic and healthcare equipment produced by leading international brands such as Philips, Steris, Maquet, etc.
A team of top-notch physicians offer a broad range of general and specialized medical services, including complex surgical treatment of aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, complex congenital heart disease and servere coronary heart disease.

Opened in 2013, DeltaHealth Clinic·HongQiao is DeltaHealth’s first Shanghai outpatient clinic and is part of an inner city network of cardiovascular care clinics. Located at the heart of the Hongqiao CBD, the clinic provides comprehensive primary and specialty care, including cardiovascular disease screening, expert consulting and rehabilitation services.


  • Email:HR@deltahealth.com.cn
  • 公司地址:地址:span上海市青浦区徐泾镇徐乐路109号