上海 [切换城市] 上海招聘上海销售人员招聘上海销售代表招聘



  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:批发/零售


  • 发布日期:2020-11-12
  • 工作地点:上海-闵行区
  • 招聘人数:5人
  • 工作经验:2年经验
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 职位月薪:6-8千/月
  • 职位类别:销售代表  渠道/分销专员


美国 Protect A Bed 寝之堡专注研发生产功能性寝具防护用品 (http://www.pabchina.com) 。

因业务扩展需要, 诚聘以下优秀人员:








* 专科及以上学历,市场营销等相关专业,业绩突出者优先

* 可配合出差

* 强烈的责任心和进取心,吃苦耐劳,有强的团队合作精神

* 具备市场分析及判断能力,良好的客户服务意识

* 熟悉 windows office 软件使用


Protect A Bed 寝之堡公司成立于1980年,是美国知名寝具防护用品品牌,拥有37年品牌历史。寝之堡致力于研发功能性的床罩、枕套、被套与睡眠健康产品,产品不仅有效保护居家寝具卫生,同时保障每个人睡眠的健康与舒适感。凭借卓越的产品与品牌服务,寝之堡目前美国已有超过7000个销售网点,在全球近50个国家地区销售,深受全球千万消费者的信赖与肯定。寝之堡同时也是许多国际五星酒店的合作伙伴,如:费尔蒙酒店集团、喜达屋集团、希尔顿集团、温德姆酒店集团、洲际酒店集团、半岛酒店集团、文华东方酒店集团、PHG 集团等.

寝之堡(上海)是 Protect A Bed 在中国区成立的分公司,公司位于上海市闵行区宝龙城商务中心,毗邻地铁七宝站,交通便利。公司以零售与星级酒店为主要的销售服务市场对象, 为扩展业务,现诚聘优秀人员一同加入我们的行列!

Protect-A-Bed offers consumers a complete line of protective bedding products because every mattress needs protection!. Now selling in 50 countries for more than 35 years, the company is a worldwide leader in mattress protection innovation. Protect-A-Bed products help create a dry, hygienic, bed bug free and anti-allergy sleep zone while protecting the mattress warranty. The company developed the proprietary Miracle Membrane and patented BugLock with SecureSeal and three-sided zipper system. Protect-A-Bed® products are listed as Class 1 Medical Devices with the Food and Drug Administration and have received the Good Housekeeping Seal.

Built on this philosophy, Protect-A-Bed supplies mattress and pillow protectors to 7 of the 11 top bedding specialists in the United States, several of the top 100 U.S. furniture chains, and all the major distributors in the pest control industry and hospitality industry. Protect-A-Bed products are also carried by national retailers like J.C. Penney, Macy’s and Sears. The company currently has in excess of 7,000 furniture and bedding store clients in the United States and dominates the pest control and hospitality markets with bedding protection products. Key to Protect-A-Bed’s customer focus is a training program that is offered to major clients. The program has been developed to educate its clients’ sales forces about the products features and benefits, as well as the most effective approach and introduction techniques for the consumer.


  • 公司地址:地址:span七宝镇号文路72弄5号5F (T7栋楼)