南京 [切换城市] 南京招聘南京质量管理/安全防护招聘南京供应商管理招聘

PLM Specialist


  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:贸易/进出口


  • 发布日期:2021-06-03
  • 工作地点:苏州-吴江区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:2年经验
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 职位月薪:4-6千/月
  • 职位类别:供应商管理



  1. Coordinate with US & China Team to work out the details of Test Run in PLM according to the order information, test standards and test projects.
  2. Coordinate the fabric sample plan with vendors and mills, collect the sample and mark Test Run number according to system and pass to Lab Technician for testing.
  3. Input the test data, review each test project resultmake sure all projects are done and the results are corrected.
  4. Communicate with US team to get the final judgment of the test result and correct the result in PLM, export the report and submit to the relevant project members, vendors and mills.
  5. Save and maintain PLM data, ensure no data is lost or in error, and files are kept in proper.
  6. Add and revise the test projects in line with customer’s and client’s requirement.
  7. Propose optimized solution and model for the PLM improvement progress and procedure
  8. Sort and keep all files for the whole project when it is finished
  9. Work with US & China Team to update the data in time, run weekly system report to monitor the system working environment to avoid the system error or bugs. Coordinate the data in PLM with other team to keep the system work smoothly.


  1. Familiar with the Windows and office, and has the operation experience of PLM/SAP/ERP.
  2. Excellent English level.
  3. Strong capability in data analysis, planning and logic.
  4. Has the knowledge and experience in textile and fabric.
  5. Independent thinking and problem solving, strong communication and coordination skills.
  6. Careful and patient with high responsible and team spirit.


Superior Group of Companies (NASA:SGC) founded in 1920, always focus on customer uniform program design, image apparel and consulting, promotion items lab coats and patient apparel, Business Process Outsourcing Solution. For almost 100 years, we have provided the world's most recognized company with the tools to unleash the power in their brands. Our customer trust us with their most valuable asset: their brand. We honor that trust with a commitment to quality, value, professionalism, and employees alike.

Superior Group of Companies (NASA:SGC),始建于1920年,专注于高端服装定制、专业服装咨询和涉及、采购供应和外包服务。发展近100年,我们已具备高质优价的产品供应链、专业高效的团队、富有激情而投入的员工,为世界知名客户提供具有品牌效益的产品和服务,深得客户信赖。

BAMKO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Superior Group of Companies. Founded from 1999, BAMKO has offices across four continents and operations in five. BAMKO serves the world’s most prominent brands to create award-winning promotional products, merchandise, and packaging. With the largest western-owned sourcing operation of any firm in the industry, BAMKO has unmatched resources and expertise in product manufacturing. Utilizing a consumer insights and data-driven approach, BAMKO provides product with a purpose – items that extend brands, excite customers, and provide tangible solutions to business challenges.

BAMKO是Superior Group of Companies 的全资子公司,自1999年成立以来,BAMKO业务已发展至遍布全球,以创造屡获殊荣的促销产品、商品和包装,为全球知名的品牌提供服务。作为行业中大型的西方采购公司,BAMKO在产品制造方面拥有丰富的资源和专业知识。以人为本,以数据为支撑,BAMKO提供的产品服务为客户拓展品牌影响力,让顾客得到惊喜,并提供有形或无形的的解决方案以帮助客户应对业务上的挑战。

We're looking for motivated difference makers – people willing to challenge the status quo.
We want folks who understand that effort, vision, and resolve can overcome any obstacle.
Are You Up To The Challenge?

我们正在寻找自我驱动的独特的你 —— 渴望成功,不满足现状。


  • 公司地址:地址:span平望镇平盛路