南京 [切换城市] 南京招聘南京IT-管理招聘南京项目主管招聘

Product Change Leader 产品变更主管


  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:合资
  • 公司行业:通信/电信/网络设备  通信/电信运营、增值服务


  • 发布日期:2017-04-10
  • 工作地点:南京-江宁区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:0.8-1.2万/月
  • 职位类别:项目工程师  项目主管


· Develop the competence to be able to coordinate and control product changes in a cost-effective and time-efficient way during both NPI/TPI and volume production (include leading & non-leading products) stages.
· Develop the competence to be able to make configuration proposal for test order trial run, drive and coordinate test order trial run planning and implementation during project/maintenance phase.
· Develop the competence to be able to coordinate and provide clear information of master data.
· Drive the CAB activities from ENC, ESS/EMS and 1st tier supplier during NPI/TPI and volume phase, organize and report of CAB activities.
· Drive and chair package CCB.
· Keep Manager of Product Maintenance informed about matters of concern.

· Be the University degree or equivalent in Electronics and /or Mechanics Engineering with good knowledge on computer.
· Good experience of coordinating team work and high flexibility.
· Good communication and listening/verbal/writing skills in both Chinese and English.
· Good understanding of production process, product engineering and IT systems.
· Be rich in project management experience and leadership ability.

职能类别: 项目工程师 项目主管

关键字: 项目 工程变更 变更 新产品导入 NPI TPI

举报 分享



* 我们提供的网络设备承载着全球40%以上的移动业务
* 我们为运营商提供支持的网络服务于超过25亿用户
* 我们为运营商管理的网络服务于9.5亿用户
* 我们用用业内最强大的专利组合,包括33,000项获批专利
* 我们拥有超过60,000名专业服务人员
* 我们的客户遍布超过180个国家
* 我们再电信领域已有近140年历史
* 我们是全球第五大软件供应商


  • 公司地址:上班地址:南京市江宁区池田路32号