南京 [切换城市] 南京招聘


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:建筑/建材/工程  奢侈品/收藏品/工艺品/珠宝


ZeVa 来自于 达姆施塔特(Darmstadt),它位于德国 黑森州(Hessen) 境内。达姆施塔特兴起于中世纪;黑森大公恩斯特 路德维希 (Ernst Ludwig) 于1899年建立 艺术家村(Künstlerkolonie) ,令当地的艺术发展空前兴盛。现今,德国的 达姆施塔特 已是建筑、雕刻和陶瓷等工艺美学的著名研究中心。

Künstlerkolonie艺术家村博物馆收藏了达姆施塔特地区1899-1914极具盛名的艺术家如Joseph Maria Olbrich, Peter Behrens和Henry van de Velde 所设计的首饰、家具和生活用品等工艺作品,这些创作将工艺美学融合于生活中,创作出传世经典的艺术品;这样的「设计」风格正深远的影响着整个世界。


ZeVa传承 达姆施塔特 的工艺文化,将 美学 融会于生活。以 人 为核心,重新将人的习惯及原始的需求,体贴地考虑于每处细节,创造出能经得起时间历练而成为经典的生活工艺品。一件商品,一件艺术;这便是ZeVa传承自 达姆施塔特 的 Life Art 精神。

ZeVa集团在中国地区唯一授权的营运商--南京惟馨百货有限公司, Nanjing Vision Corp. 为一专业经营高档进口生活用品的企业,集产品销售、系统设计为一体.服务对象为五星酒店、高档别墅、商业空间、会所、***精装修楼盘等。

在企业的建立和发展中以 Vision, 观注美好未来的远景,以不断热情提升质量、服务客户;在顾客的服务中始终注重沟通和诚信,一贯坚持“与客户共创美好生活”的企业文化,在人力管理和团队建立中秉承谦虚、乐观、正向及永不放弃的原则。

其中,公司营销的里凡(ZeVa) 是具一德国卫浴品牌,荣获德国iF、RedDot及日本Gmark等设计大奖的肯定,秉承以热情用工艺创造艺术生活的理念,Vision将带领客户享受更美好的生活艺术。


ZeVa GmbH stands for loving life with passion expressed through craftsmanship and spreads its philosophy all over the world. It’s current location is in Erzhausen,Darmstadt. The surrounding area is well known for technological development and success.

Furthermore, Darmstadt is also popular for its unique art that was founded by Ernst Ludwig, the last Grand Duke of Hessen. Darmstadt is a city that is characterized by the art epoch called “Jugendstil”. The classic era was established by Peter Behrens, Joseph Maria Olbrich or the very popular Henry van de Velde, founder of the “Bauhaus” style. The unique arts that were created by these outstanding artists showed that art also balances and influences people’s everyday life. The art form had profound impact on the entire world.

With this background in terms of culture and craftsmanship as well as the combined know-how, ZeVa GmbH applies aesthetic vision on daily life and wants to be a part of a cultivated and unique environment.

About Us

ZeVa is a new brand established in Darmstadt, Germany and draws inspiration from the art and technology of German kitchen and sanitary ware. ZeVa is aiming at spreading its ideology of “passion for life” and “craftsmanship integrated into living” (Life Art). Due to creative product designs and innovative technology ZeVa has been awarded by many international design institutes.

One Product, One Art
 ZeVa inherits the arts and crafts culture of Darmstadt and breathes aesthetics into our life. Human-centered, it creates a vast quantity of classic living crafts and takes people’s habits and original demands into every small detail. One Product, One Art – this is Life Art spirit from Darmstadt.

 51jobZeVa= Passionate life
 ZeVa values the supreme sense of beauty and quality, and pursues high taste for life. Life Art endows the crafts with life, which makes our life space change immediately. All this not only has people’s quality of life improved but also brings wonderful visual and tactile enjoyment.

Each product is a piece of fine art
 Tradition and craftsmanship from Darmstadt. ZeVa GmbH applies an aesthetic vision on daily life by working with motivated and experienced people that function as the heart of the products. The designs consider every detail and thus create many classic life art crafts which can withstand the aging time. Creation encourages us to express your desired lifestyle.


  • 公司地址:上班地址:所街116号乐基广场一期2栋601室


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
文案编辑/文字编辑/文案策划 南京-建邺区 2017-08-01 1人
总监助理(英语) 南京-建邺区 2017-07-09 1人
外籍总监秘书(英语) 南京-建邺区 2017-06-30 1人
项目管理(英语) 南京-建邺区 2017-06-26 1人
技术助理(英语) 南京-建邺区 2017-06-23 1人
品牌策划专员 南京-建邺区 2017-04-13 1人
结构工程师(净水器) 南京 2016-10-06 1人
品证工程师 南京 2016-09-29 1人
结构工程师(陶瓷类)(工作地点:南京) 南京 2016-09-28 1人
净水工程师 南京 2016-09-27 1人
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