南京 [切换城市] 南京招聘


  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司行业:酒店/旅游


  金陵饭店,一个富有传奇色彩的民族酒店品牌,中国现代酒店业的先行者, 1983年10月建成开业,以“神州***高楼”蜚声海内外,东方神韵和国际品质的交融使“金陵”成为中国酒店业的服务经典。

      一流的企业需要一流的人才, “以人为本”的兴业理念已完全融入“金陵”企业文化之中。“金陵”将提供行业内富有竞争力的薪酬待遇和全面的福利保障,创造充分发挥个人能力和才华的舞台。值此“金陵”事业快速发展之际,我们热忱欢迎有志之士加盟,与“金陵”共发展!

    Controlled by Jinling Holdings Ltd., the Jinling Hotel Corporation was established on December 2002 and listed on April 2007 on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which made it the first IPO in China’s hotel industry after full circulation and the first publically-traded tourism company in JiangsuProvince.
            With the mission to create a century-old Chinese national brand and its strategic process of sustainable development, the company vigorously implements its brand strategy to optimize industrial distribution, promote capital operation and make innovations in management, which has driven brand operation and capital expansion, and achieved constant breakthroughs in business performance despite severe challenges. From 2003 to 2012, the revenue of the company has increased by 165%, net profits have increased by 810%, and net assets by 462%, performances which have ranked 1st in Jiangsu province’s hotel industry and among the best in China for 29 years. The number of Jinling member hotels has reached 135, ranking 48th among the “World’s 50 Largest Hotel Groups, and the group also boasts the largest number of five-star hotels managed by Chinese. The expansion project of the Jinling Hotel Nanjing’s AsiaPacificTower covers an area of 170,000 square meters and has 57 floors. After it begins operation, the total number of guest rooms of the Jinling Hotel Nanjing will reach about 1,000, making it the largest five-star hotel complex in Jiangsu province; the 1300 mu Jinling Tianquanhu Eco-Tourism Park in Xuyi, Jiangsu Province is moving forward steadily, and will become a first-class ecological leisure resort.
             We sincere expecting you to be one of us.


  • Email:hrzhangyu082022@163.com
  • 公司地址:地址:span江北新区芯科大厦


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
江苏金陵食品科技有限公司董事长 南京·鼓楼区 2024-01-08
工程主管 南京 2021-06-04 1人
暖通系统运行工(江苏天泉湖实业股份有限公司) 淮安 2017-08-11 2人
给排水、锅炉系统运行工(天泉湖实业公司) 淮安 2017-08-11 2人
水处理运营工(市政运营) 淮安 2017-08-09 2人
高低压电工(市政运营) 淮安 2017-08-09 1人
机电工程师(房地产业,金陵旅游发展公司) 淮安 2017-08-09 若干人
成本合约造价员(房地产业,金陵旅游发展公司) 淮安 2017-08-06 若干人
工程主管(江苏天泉湖开发建设有限公司) 淮安 2017-08-06 1人
销售经理(房地产业,金陵旅游发展公司) 淮安 2017-08-06 若干人
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