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  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2021-01-08
  • 工作地点:杭州-余杭区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:10年以上经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:2-2.5万/月
  • 职位类别:专业顾问  酒店/宾馆经理


1. 根据公司和客户要求开发课程,负责课程的准备、改进和更新;

2. 根据课程计划实施培训;

3. 负责分析培训效果,持续改进。


1. 资深的酒店管理经验,对高端酒店的流程与服务有深刻的理解;

2. 丰富的授课经验,娴熟的授课技巧;

3. 形象好气质佳;

4. 英语口语熟练。


    秉承极致服务的理念, AEROLUXUS整合国内外优质资源,搭建高端服务培训体系,力求将高标准的服务意识融入到企业文化中,为各个行业提供成熟、有效的解决方案。



AEROLUXUS is a training company that focuses on providing professional high-end service training and consulting. Aviation service, 5-star hotel service, luxury business service and individual etiquette training are just some of the areas we can provide training in.

AEROLUXUS utilises a variety of resources, both in country and out, to build and provide a high-end service training system. Through this training system we strive to not only provide mature and effective solutions for a number of different industries, but also to integrate this high-standard of service into the culture of the companies we provide training to.

Since its inception, AEROLUXUS has provided professional services for many high-end brands, including five-star hotels, luxury good companies, real estate companies, private banks, private aircraft.

Coming from a background of private aircraft operation and management, the company team provided personalized private flight solutions and services to high net worth individuals from across the globe.

Based on the concept of five-star service in the private aviation field, we transform and integrate these ideals into other high-end service industries to provide customized high-end service training courses.

Our company has a highly qualified international trainers hailing from more than 10 countries. Both our Chinese and foreign trainers come from professional backgrounds and have experience in the high-end service industry.

Our core team has more than 10 years’ experience of high-end customer service and is well-aware of the wants and needs of high net worth individuals. To professionally pay attention to the particulars of each and every customer, and to provide high net worth clients with a high standard of service, this is the AEROLUXUS quality guarantee.

As high-end service industry training experts, we understand that no two clients are the same. At the same time as introducing Europe’s top training system, we also pay extra attention to customer needs, develop targeted courses, provide comprehensive and effective professional services and help customers strengthen their brand image.


  • 公司地址:地址:span向往街欧美金融城英国中心1706室