杭州 [切换城市] 杭州招聘杭州行政/后勤招聘杭州行政专员/助理招聘



  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2017-07-31
  • 工作地点:杭州
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 学历要求:专业培训
  • 职位月薪:3.5-4千/月
  • 职位类别:图书管理员/资料管理员  行政专员/助理


1. 外派至金融行业,完成客户票据档案的扫描、录入、归档等文职工作;
2. 负责将财会各类凭证票据等纸质文件用扫描仪扫描存档,确保扫描信息的清晰度;
3. 完成电子信息的录入及系统申报,确保录入信息准确性;
4. 将整理好的档案上传内部系统,并对档案进行分类,排序,编号,装订及入库,随时做好安全保密工作;
5. 根据组长要求及时更新、接收文件,按照电脑保存途径有序归档电子版;
6. 扫描、录入、归档后确保纸质文件的完整性,并将其恢复原状,保证资料、档案的完整性;
7. 出现异常状况及时告知团队经理,并协助团队经理解决问题;
8. 根据工作规范性操作规则,保质保量完成每日工作安排,做到今日事今日毕;
9. 配合团队小组完成其他文职类辅助性工作。
1. 中专、职高或其以上学历;
2. 熟悉基本电脑操作,如Excel、Word等Office办公软件;
3. 诚实守信,稳定性、保密性、责任心强,做事严谨、细心,有团队合作精神,服从公司领导对工作安排;
4. 具备良好的沟通能力和语言表达能力;
5. 计算机和财务专业优先考虑;
6. 可接受应届生。
1. 基本工资+各项福利津贴(餐贴、节日福利、年终奖、高温补贴、生日津贴、通讯津贴等)+绩效奖金;
2. 公司前期培训,工作期间不定期培训财会相关专业知识;
3. 健全的晋升机制,表现优异者实行轮岗制;
4. 甲等办公环境,工作稳定、交通便捷;
5. 享受标准社会保险(养老保险+医疗保险,工伤保险,失业保险,生育保险),住房公积金;(试用期第一个月正常缴纳);
6. 周一至周五,双休,国定假日按国家规定执行。

职能类别: 图书管理员/资料管理员 行政专员/助理

举报 分享


与睿企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司(BRCC CHINA)是一家设立于中国上海,具备全球服务能力的专业企业服务机构,拥有丰富的国际服务经验。
Be-Reach Management Consulting Shanghai Co., Ltd. (BRCC China), established in Shanghai, China, is a professional enterprise service & consulting company, with global service capability and rich international service experience.
一直以来,BRCC CHINA致力于打造专业化以及科技化的财务与税务咨询,业务流程优化及外包服务,金融岗位、财税岗位、信息技术岗位、后勤管理岗位外包服务,企业管理优化的方案策划与落地执行,专业的财务、税务、商事、人事等外包服务,并致力于打造专业的“科技+服务”的团队。凭借其在各个行业领域积累的丰富经验、广泛能力以及和全球成功企业的深度合作,旨在帮助其专注于自身领域长足和卓越发展。同时,作为行业领先的“科技+服务”的专业服务机构之一,BRCC CHINA结合中国深化改革的根本国情和市场需求,打造了一支成熟的、专业化、本土化的优秀服务团队,分布于中国香港、上海、北京、深圳、广州、天津、宁波、南京、成都、重庆、武汉、苏州、杭州等十几个城市,更在超过40个城市中拥有广泛的合作资源和服务能力。
BRCC China is committed to create a professional and technological services in finance and tax consulting, business process optimization and outsourcing services of financial position, fiscal and taxation position, information technology position and logistics management position, project planning and implementation of enterprise management optimization, professional finance, taxation, commercial affairs and HR outsourcing services, and establish a professional team of “technology + service”. With its rich experience in various industries, extensive capabilities and deep cooperation with successful global enterprises, it aims to help it focus on the remarkable and excellent development in its own field. At the same time, as one of the leading professional service and consulting company of “technology + service” in the industry, BRCC China, combined with the basic national conditions and market demand of deepening reform in China, has built an excellent service team of mature, professional and localized, which is distributed in a dozen cities, including Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Ningbo, Nanjing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Suzhou and Hangzhou, and have extensive cooperation resources and service ability in more than 40 cities.
BRCC CHINA的服务团队由各类专业人员组成,他们包括:行业运营专家、财税服务专家、运筹测试专家、科技技术专家以及熟悉当地市场的专业人员。此外,BRCC CHINA设有财务与税务服务部、外包服务事业部、信息科技事业部、管理咨询服务部、公司商务服务部、技术质量管理部、培训服务部等专业部门,在上海、北京、深圳、广州和成都建有共享服务管理中心,利用严谨的管理模式、科学的方法论和先进的技术手段,为客户提供迅速可靠、专业化且经济有效的解决方案。
The service team of BRCC China consists of various types of professionals, including industry operation experts, finance and tax service experts, Re-engineering and implementation specialist, science and technology experts, professionals familiar with local market. In addition, BRCC China has set up financial and tax department, outsourcing service department, information technology department, management consulting department, commercial department, technical quality control department, training department and other professional departments, and established shared service management centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Chengdu. By use of rigorous management mode, scientific methodology and advanced technological means, it provides the clients with fast, reliable, professional and cost-effective solutions.
Our aims are Qin Zhe and Rui Si, with a broad mind to unite all our colleagues and partners for a successful future.


  • Email:zhuangchuanhong@brccchina.com
  • 公司地址:地址:span协泰中心