合肥 [切换城市] 合肥招聘合肥物流/仓储招聘合肥理货员招聘

仓库作业员 Warehouse Operater


  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:汽车及零配件


  • 发布日期:2014-08-22
  • 工作地点:合肥-蜀山区
  • 招聘人数:若干
  • 学历要求:中技
  • 职位月薪:面议
  • 职位类别:叉车工  理货员


- 负责轮胎分门别类地入库负责轮胎下线到成品库的搬运码放等工作;
- 执行TPM的各项规定,不断提高生产效率;
- 保持作业环境符合5S的规定。
- 年满16周岁,高中及以上学历;
- 能吃苦耐劳、富有有责任心、执行力强、擅于沟通、具有良好的职业道德及团队合作精神;
- 期望在合肥长期稳定发展;
- 有制造业工作经验、持有效叉车资格证优先。
- 倒班工作(作6休2),每天8小时
- 入职即签订劳动合同,试用期享有转正后同样待遇,同时缴纳五险一金;
- 提供完善有效的培训,表现优异者则有机会参加出国培训;
- 提供具有竞争力的工资待遇,享有年终奖、年度调薪和高温津贴,按照国家规定给付加班费、倒班津贴;
- 员工因病或意外伤害就诊,相应的医疗费用可通过补充保险报销;
- 公司为所有员工购买补充养老金,保障员工退休后福利;
- 免费工作餐及覆盖合肥市内的班车;
- 每年4套工作服,2双安全鞋,高温季节免费发放降温消暑用品;
- 厂内配有医务室,且定期年度福利体检,保障员工身心健康。


Continental AG Group was founded in Hanover in 1871 and is currently one of the five largest automotive suppliers and one of Top 500 enterprises in the world.
Continental has 140 years of experience with rubber and especially with tires. In Sept 2009, as the first factory investment of Continental’s tire divisions in China, and an important Foreign Direct Investment project of Anhui Province, a big and advanced tire plant is ramped up in Hefei with 150 million Euros capital, by end of June 2010, the construction was completed, and the equipment installation was done before Nov 30th, 2010, by end of 2010, the first qualified tire came to the world. From May of 2011, we are starting mass production and currently the output beyond million passenger car tires in the first step. The second phase project has started and at the same time, Two Wheel(Motor Bike Tire) entity of Continental was founded and the new plant is under construction .
We are currently seeking for qualified and highly motivated people. Talents who are prepared to take on the responsibility and able to rise to challenges are in great demand.

大陆集团在橡胶制品尤其是轮胎生产有着140年的历史。2009年9月集团正式开始投资建设马牌轮胎合肥新厂,该厂是大陆集团在中国投资的首个轮胎工厂, 同时也是安徽省招商引资的重点全外资项目,一期投资1.5亿欧元,已于2010年6月底前完成房建工程,2010年11月底已完成设备安装及调试,2010年12月底生产出第一条合格轮胎,2011年5月份开始批量生产,目前年产量逾百万条乘用车胎。工厂二期项目已经启动,同时大陆集团摩托车轮胎事业部业已正式成立,新厂于园区中在建。
