广州 [切换城市] 广州招聘广州财务/审计/税务招聘广州统计员招聘



  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:贸易/进出口


  • 发布日期:2020-09-27
  • 工作地点:广州
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:1年经验
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 语言要求:英语良好
  • 职位月薪:4.5-6千/月
  • 职位类别:生产文员  统计员



  1. 向工厂下产品订单

  2. 协助生产项目部处理文书工作,比如发放订单和申请货款给供应商等

  3. ERP系统上录入并维护客户信息、供应商信息、物料清单、BOM表和供应商价格等资料

  4. 助查找和解决各部门在使用ERP系统时遇到的问题,如订单数量变更或BOM表修改等

  5. 协调项目流程中各部门有关数据存储和数据处理的工作

  6. 根据客户订单量和生产工程师提供的采购需求计划,结合现有库存制作订单

  7. 处理生产部的金蝶单据(包括制作收料通知单,审核发货通知单和委外出库单等)

  8. 物料采购控制(根据物料需求计划,协助生产工程师完成物料采购并控制库存)



1.       理工科大专及以上学历,一年以上工作经验

2.       熟练使用金蝶系统  

3.       熟练应用Excel分析和处理数据  

4.       一定的英语听说读写能力


Are you passionate about technology and engineering? Do you aspire to create excellent products to tackle real-life problems? Want to join the manufacturing industry for a prosperous career? If your answer is yes, then you may be the right candidate.

Company background 公司背景:
Founded in 2003, Omnidex is a western owned international company that excels in manufacturing and product engineering. We are profitable for 16 years straight, with offices and facilities in Guangzhou, HK, Vietnam, England and Scotland. Despite sailing into a headwind in 2020, Omnidex continues to expand, with no lay-offs or salary reductions on our staff, and a new factory in Scotland that is now fully operational.

Working culture 企业文化:
At Omnidex, we believe every team member can make huge contribution to the success of our company. We always look for the candidates who are willing to take the initiative to produce better results for our customers. We value every talent and strive to provide an enjoyable and exciting working environment.

To join us, you will get:
* Comfortable working time (5 days/week)
* Social Insurance and Housing Fund
* Paid Annual Leave
* Free Lunch or Housing Allowance
* Birthday Cash
* Free Annual Body Check-up
* Frequent dinner party/event
* Convenient location (near from metro/bus station)
* Western working environment

1、    上班时间:9:00-6:00, 中午休息1小时,五天工作制,周末双休,并享有各种国家法定假期
2、    按国家规定购买五险一金;
3、    按工龄可享有带薪年假;
4、    提供各种培训,并有完善的晋升通道;
5、    丰富多彩的员工活动,经常性的公司聚餐;
6、    免费年度体检、免费午餐、节日、生日礼金;
7、    西式的工作环境,轻松的工作氛围。

Interested candidates please send your English and Chinese resume, contact phone number, education certificates & expected salary to us.
Email: hr@omnidexgroup.com
Contact person: Ms.Qiu
Address:Beijiaocheng Heng lu 1,Guangzhou 510050, P.R. China

邮箱: hr@omnidexgroup.com
联系人: 邱小姐


  • Email:hr@omnidexgroup.com
  • 公司地址:越秀区北较场横路12号物资大厦1008 (邮编:510050)
  • 电话:13560467062