广州 [切换城市] 广州招聘


  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


Find2Fine is an emerging management consulting firm which endeavors to facilitate the communication between China and international market. Find2Fine is a LEARNING ORGANISATION.

Before U submit your CV to us, pls. ask yourself the following questions:
Do I have great eagerness to learn?
Would I like to broaden my international horizon and develop excellent business sense?
Am I looking for an environment to greatly improve my Eng., include understand any oral English without any problem? Able to read an Eng. Web page in a few seconds? Able to write English as if I am a native speaker?

If your answer is yes, then pls. ask yourself, am I willing to pay the price?
Which include:
Am I willing to sacrifice up to a lot of personal time on weekly basis to watch tremendous Eng. TV programs to improve myself?
Am I willing to accept a remuneration package which greatly relate my income with my result of learning and contribution to the company?

In other words, we offer very unattractive payment for those who is not willing to learn.

If you are looking for your first job with high salary, little pressure, and lots of free time on your own etc. at the beginning, then we are not your cup of tea. Pls. do not waste your CV.

Fresh graduates are welcome.


  • Email:recruit@find2fine.com
  • 公司地址:地址:span广州市白云大道南1033号东方明珠花苑明珠中街6号二楼201


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
客服专员/助理(非技术) 广州-白云区 2021-06-04
商业意识翻译 广州-白云区 2021-06-04 若干人
全职财经翻译 广州-白云区 2021-06-04 若干人
项目协调员 广州-白云区 2021-01-11
招聘没有经验的毕业生作全职财经翻译 广州-白云区 2021-01-11 10人
英语翻译 广州-白云区 2021-01-11
招聘企业财务中翻英的翻译 广州-白云区 2020-12-29
亚马逊云营 广州-荔湾区 2019-09-14 2人
项目调度员 广州-白云区 2018-02-06 若干人
英语翻译 广州-白云区 2017-07-13 若干人
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