东莞 [切换城市] 东莞招聘东莞教师招聘东莞院校教务管理人员招聘



  • 公司规模:150-500人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:教育/培训/院校


  • 发布日期:2021-01-13
  • 工作地点:东莞-高埗镇
  • 招聘人数:2人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:0.8-1.3万/月
  • 职位类别:小学教师  院校教务管理人员



1. 执行学校分配的教学任务,负责小学各年级 语文 科目的授课工作;

2. 遵照集团和学校的教育发展规划,积极参与优化教学方案、课程研发、教研活动等工作;

3. 积极与学生和家长沟通,切实关怀、辅导学生提高学习成绩,巩固教学成果、营造良好的学习氛围;

4. 配合学校开展教学行政事务、学生纪律、事故防范等管理工作。


1. 本科或以上学历,师范、教育类专业;

2. 两年以上小学、初中或高中 语文 科目教学工作经验,教学功底扎实、学科专业知识深厚,授课技巧纯熟,模式灵活、生动;

3. 持有语文学科教师资格证(不限于小学、初中、高中)、二级甲等普通话等级证书;

4. 沟通意识、语言表达能力强,具有高度责任心及亲和力;

5. 具有良好的职业道德和进取精神,热爱教育行业,擅于与学生和家长沟通,能胜任班主任工作尤佳;

6. 具有国际学校教学工作经验或海外留学经历尤佳。


1. 极具行业竞争力的薪酬体系编制;

2. 社保五险、住房公积金;

3. 广阔的职业发展空间、完善的晋升机制,让您充分展现个人所长、实现自我价值;

4. 资深的教学团队,学术气氛浓厚,定期开展专业培训和学习交流活动;

5. 享有带薪年假、春节、端午节、中秋节、国庆节等国家法定假期;

6. 绩效奖、年终奖、节日福利、交通补贴等。



Victoria Harbour International Education (Hong Kong) Development Co., Ltd. is an international education group focusing on the study and promotion of Hong Kong educational curriculum system.It is an education ecological complex involved in schooling investment, education training, and curriculum development. The company aims to provide qualified,diversified,and internationalized exchange platform of education for Chinese youth.

The main business activities include: International School of Basic Education (International Department), the International Cooperation Project of advanced Education ,the High-End Overseas Study Tour for Youth, the student exchange program with oversea famous universities, the program of further education enrollment preparation,Internship Program in Hong Kong, etc.

The company actively responds to the national development strategy and is committed to promoting and practicing the integration of education in the Greater Bay Area. It has set up branches in more than 20 cities, including Hong Kong , Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Also it has established international curriculum centers and international cultural exchange centers in many famous high schools and universities in mainland China.Via the nationwide and internationally oriented education net-working the company constructed,nearly 2,000 mainland students got admitted into universities in Hong Kong and oversea.


  • 公司地址:地址:span黄岐北环东路石门中学