重庆 [切换城市] 重庆招聘重庆计算机软件招聘重庆仿真应用工程师招聘

CFD Engineer CFD仿真工程师


  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:汽车


  • 发布日期:2021-01-12
  • 工作地点:重庆-璧山区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语良好
  • 职位月薪:1-1.5万/月
  • 职位类别:电子技术研发工程师  仿真应用工程师


  1. Simplification of the geometry

  2. Cooling chamber simulation for the evaluation of pressure drop and heat exchanging coefficient

  3. Thermal analysis (steady state or transient) on PCBs and components, using as an input the 3D Mechanical drawings, information of materials, dissipated power and PCB routing (complete simulation workflow)

  4. Support Mech/PCB/HW Departments during the development and facilitate the communication about all the input needed to carry

  5. Compile Design rules for CFD/Thermal designmechanical simulation, provide opetimization solution and finish simulation report.

  6. Align simulation to the test result and follow the problem solving activities during the Pre- Design validation

  7. Participate to internal meeting (VDR) and call/meeting with the customer

  8. Support the Simulation manager in the requirement analysis

  9. Propose and execute new simulation methodologies and innovation regarding products and design to fullfil customer requirements

Compile technical report (internal or for the customer).


  1. Comply with the Health, Safety and Environmental Policies;
  2. Assertive, optimistic, resilient and welcomes change;

  3. Engages interest and participation of others and has a collaborative approach to working with others;

  4. Good team-working skills;

  5. Self-motivated, flexible, proactive and committed;

  6. Knowledge of principle Power Converters (AC/DC; DC/DC) and deep Theoretical, experimental knowledge about the thermal exchange phenomena in the Power Electronics devices;

  7. Knowledge of design solutions to optimize heat exchange;

  8. Knowledge of CFD and Thermal simulation methods using Ansys Ice Pak, Ansys Fluent and CFX.

Knowledge of mechanical simulation and theoretical knowledge.


美达电器(重庆)有限公司为META system在华全资子公司,META system总部位于意大利雷焦艾米利亚,系欧洲中高端领域汽车零配件供应商。
META system主营汽车电子及新能源汽车零部件业务,主要产品包括:安全和报警产品、车载充电模块、电子功率模块、车联网产品。
2015年3月,深交所上市公司深圳市得润电子股份有限公司发布公告,得润电子与 META-Fin S.p.A.于3月12日签订《战略投资协议》,出资收购META system S.p.A 60% 股权,拓展汽车电子与核心零部件供应市场,建立向全球市场供货的能力和业务平台。目前交易已完成,依托上市公司得润电子良好的融资能力和商誉支撑,及汽车电子与新能源汽车市场发展的春风,META system中国市场业务将实现跨越式发展。
目前全球新能源市场蓬勃发展,中国正是这场电气化的领导者之一,由于META system S.p.A在车载充电模块的领先技术和独立的工程技术研发能力,公司收获了大量订单以及众多意向合作客户。根据公司的战略发展计划,我们已在中国的上海和重庆建立亚太技术联盟合作中心。上海研发中心作为桥头堡,和欧洲研发中心保持密切的沟通和技术前言的探索,重庆璧山是目前中国的生产基地,将更好的完成产品实验和前言技术的应用,年产量可达180万套。


  • 公司地址:上海市长宁区临虹路168弄3号楼1楼