重庆 [切换城市] 重庆招聘


  • 公司规模:150-500人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:汽车及零配件


美国伟世通公司(Visteon)是全球第二大汽车零部件供应商之一,世界财富500强企业。伟世通的核心产品包括汽车电子件,内饰件和空调系统,为全球主要车厂配套包括福特,通用,法国标致雪铁龙,大众,戴姆勒克莱斯勒,宝马,雷诺/尼桑,现代/起亚。伟世通在全球六大洲24个国家拥有170多家机构,121个制造工厂, 客服中心,技术中心和办公处所共计53处,在全球拥有43000名员工。

Visteon is a leading global automotive supplier which is listed amongst Treasure’s Global Top 500 Companies. With core products of Electronics, Interiors, and Climate Systems, Visteon serves world’s major automakers such as Ford, General Motors, PSA/Peugeot, Volkswagen, Daimler Chrysler, BMW, Renault/Nissan, and Hyundai/Kia. Hiring approximately 43000 employees worldwide, Visteon has more than 170 facilities on 6 continents in 24 countries, among which there are 121 manufacturing facilities and 53 customer service centers, technical centers and offices.
Visteon TYC Auto Lamps Co., Ltd is a lighting joint venture between Visteon and TYC, the biggest auto lamps manufacturer in Taiwan. Specialized in the line of auto lamps and motorcycle lamps, we supply the customers both home and abroad such as Ford, GM, Volkswagen, Nissan, Mazda, PSA, Chery, KYMCO etc. We provide eminent services to all our customers through On-site Product Development, Sales, Purchasing and Manufacturing.
Visteon TYC Auto Lamps Co., Ltd expansion new plant in Chongqing Bishan area in 2011. we warmly welcome best talents to join in our team and Visteon TYC will provide you a brand-new platform for your career development.
地 址:重庆市璧山县青杠街道塘坊西三路


  • 公司地址:重庆市璧山县璧山工业园区青杠街道塘坊西三路
  • 邮政编码:402760


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
包装工程师 重庆-璧山县 2018-02-06 1
生产计划员 重庆 2017-11-15 若干
体系工程师/审核员 重庆-璧山县 2017-11-10 1
模具工程师 重庆-璧山县 2017-07-16 1
装配工艺工程师 重庆-璧山县 2017-06-06 2
模具抛光 重庆-璧山县 2016-09-26 2
采购工程师 重庆-璧山县 2015-07-06 1
注塑工艺工程师 重庆 2015-07-06 若干
物流工程师 重庆-璧山县 2015-06-30 1
行政专员 重庆-璧山县 2015-05-23 1
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